Shinsa activity
The Association organizes shinsa to rank the members' items upon request.
The board is chaired by Takemura Masao:
• Born January 1946. Graduated from Chūō University, History Department. Completed his master's degree (in national history) at Risshō University.
• Currently Managing Director (and Chairman of the Shinsa Committee) of Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozon Kai. Member of the Foundation of Japanese Sword Armur XVie-Culture (NBSK), Sengokushi Kenkyūkai (Association for Sengoku History), Chūsei Chōkaku Kenkyūkai (Association for the Study of Medieval Castles), Takeda-shi Kenkyūkai (Takeda Family Study Association) and others associations.
• Outside of armor, conducts research and collects, among other things, Japanese sword fittings and swords, tsuba and kodōgu, Buddhist art, old mirrors, old Chinese copperware and copper mirrors.
• Author of: Sengoku no Jissen Kabuto ("Practical Sengoku-era Helmets") (Gakken), Uesugi Kenshin, Kagekatsu to Kachū no Busō (Military Equipment of Uesugi Kenshin, Kagekatsu, and of their Retainers ") (Miyaobi Shuppan).
• Co-author of: Kozakura Odoshi Yoroi Fukugen Chōsa Hōkoku Sho ("Survey Report of the Reconstruction / Restoration of the Kozakura-Odoshi Yoroi Armor ") (Yamanashi Prefectural Museum), Toyotomi Hideyoshi Jiten ("Toyotomi-f Hideyoshi Dictionary') (Shin Jinbutsu Õraisha), Kindai Nihon no Seiji to Shakai ('Modern Japanese Politics and Society') (Dōkankō Kai). Also contributed in various exhibition catalogs and has published numerous articles in the KBK magazine.
Items submitted to shinsa can result in the following ranking:
Jūyō-bunka-shiryō (important cultural reference)
Kōshu-tokubetsu-kichō-shiryō (ranking right below of jūyō-bunka-shiryō and candidate of such)
Tokubetsu-kichō-shiryō (kōshu-tokubetsu-kichō-shiryō candidate, very high-quality reference and item worthy of appreciation)
Kichō-shiryō (excellent item, both as a reference and for appreciation)
Hozon-shiryō (worthy of preservation as a reference)
Rejected/returned (item that lacks importance as a historic reference, that has been
significantly remodelled, or that is newly made)
How to read shinsa papers
The papers issued by the Association are divided in various parts. Here how to understand what is written, depending on the ranking: